The Sisterhood Of Support has had a long and healthy run. Born of an idea from a small group of partners of sex addicts who were quite active on my Blog site, marriedtoasexaddict.com, I created the Sisterhood of Support as a very private and safe place for partners to share their stories of pain and trauma, hope and support as they navigated through the complexities of being in a relationship with and loving a sex addict.
Over the last almost 15 years women have shared the good, the bad and the ugly of their personal experiences. I can never offer enough appreciation and thanks to all those women who have passed through my websites and shared their stories. All of you have helped me navigate through my journey as much as you helped each other.
The total amounts of Topics started and Replies now exceeds over a quarter of a million posts. That is 256,849 Topics and Replies. Those posts would fill volumes! Actually, I figured that out. Estimating that each topic and reply is only 100 words (a very conservative estimate) all of those topics and replies would fill about 35,000 single spaced pages.
It is time to archive all that information and extract some trends, statistics and conclusions, and try to make some sense of it all for a new book.
The Sisterhood Of Support and Married To A Sex Addict websites will eventually be retired. In today’s times the environment of sex addiction seems to have become ‘just another infidelity story’. Women still join my sites and share their stories, just not in the numbers of the past. Fortunately there are many Social Media groups that offer partners a private place to share. I applaud those resources.
So, I am closing the Forums subscription area of the Sisterhood. The Blog and some ongoing new features will remain for the time being, but will be entirely closed down in the future. This will give me time to work on sifting through the massive amounts of information in the Forums and decide what if any is important to publish.
All current subscribers will continue to have full access to the forums and its features until you decide to cancel. Once you cancel you will not be able to re-subscribe or access the Forums.