A heartfelt letter written by a member of the Sisterhood: Dear Patrick Carnes, Stefanie Carnes, Robert Weiss, All CSAT Counselors And Sex Addiction 12 Step Advocates, Please consider this letter an urgent request to change the current 12 step/co-addict approach that has been perpetuated in the field of sexual addiction. The historical underpinning of Bill Wilson’s model for alcoholism has serious negative implications for evidence-based practice, even for sobriety standards, even though its evolution at […]
Although the Sex Addiction gurus, like Carnes and Weiss, claim that any Sex Addict can change and recover if they really want to, and some even claim a 100% success rate, those of us who have lived and researched the behaviors that are called Sex Addiction know that is just not possible. Yet even the most traumatized women, and a lot of Sisters here on the site seem to cling to the hope that there […]
The debate of whether Sex Addiction is really an addiction will not be settled soon, especially while expensive treatment centers continue to offer five figure ‘cures’. I have stated for years that I do not believe that the compulsive sexual behaviors that these so called Sex Addicts engage in are not signs of a true addiction but are symptoms of an underlying Personality Disorder. So, if I believe that Sex Addicts are not really addicts, […]
Here on the Sisterhood we have all acknowledged the narcissistic, self-indulgent behaviors of Sex Addicts. But, there is a strange behavior that I noticed in my husband, and in some of the stories that I have read. I am not sure what to call it, but I know it exists. In fact, it almost seems like ‘Serial Recovery’ although it does not deserve that label by any stretch of the imagination. I am writing from […]
When I started my first website almost a decade ago my mission was to offer women who were in a relationship with a Sex Addict the information and resources that I did not have when I made my Discovery. Information that would have helped me decide if I should stay or go. I made my decisions without facts or reality, decisions that would have been very different if I had been allowed all of the […]
As if we women don’t have enough societal hurdles and hoops to jump through, here we have what appears to be a sensible review of a new book that exposes the greed driven practices of pharmaceutical companies that want to make women’s normalcy and uniqueness an illness so they can sell us pills to ‘make us better’. The book sounds good, the topic provocative and so I started to read the review with interest. But […]
NOTE: I wrote this article in 2011. Sadly, things have not changed, in fact, they have gotten worse. It’s a sad commentary on so called civilized societies. I ran across this article and it just made my blood boil. The pervasive conservative, religious right wing movement in this country is doing such tremendous harm to woman’s rights and threatens to take us all back to the very dangerous dark ages. Attitudes like this make the […]