Terms of Service and Mission Statement
To Provide A Safe And Nurturing Environment For The Expression Of Opinions And Ideas In Order To Enhance The Knowledge, Growth And Healing Of Partners Of Sex Addicts.
First and Most Important :
The forums are a safe and private place to share our deepest emotions. The responsibility of keeping this a safe place rests on all members. DO NOT share, in any way, any of the postings or comments. Do not show this site to anyone, do not read or quote anything you have read or heard to anyone and do not discuss what is shared in the private pages, live meetings, private blog posts and forums of this site. Keep your password private and log out whenever you are away from the computer even for a short period of time.
For your own safety do not share your personal information, such as email addresses, home addresses or phone numbers.
This confidentiality requirement applies to your spouse or partner–in fact, especially your spouse or partner. Respect the privacy and safety of all of our Sisters by keeping their confidences private.
Basic Rules:
The basic ground rules for blog discussions are simple: be polite, use common sense, don’t break the law and don’t post any message that even hints at advertising.
Although I don’t intend to censor messages based on the opinions expressed within posts, I will enforce the policies outlined both here and on the Forum. I reserve the right to remove, modify or move posts or comments at my discretion and without explanation.
Suspension of your account is a definite consequence of not adhering to these guidelines.
In addition to the rules posted here, you are required to read any individual membership forum rules which may be posted at the top of specific membership forums as Notices. By using the members forums, you further agree to abide by the rules, policies, and guidelines outlined here and in the forum specific rules.
General Forum Rules:
These rules apply to all Forum categories.
I take the “Be Polite” rule very seriously. I will not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning.
If you SPAM members in any manner, your account will be disabled. Do not contact anyone to suggest your product or service.
Your account is yours alone. You are responsible for any activity created with it. You may not share your account login with anyone. You may not share any information that is posted on the site. If you choose to ignore this important restriction your account will be disabled.
All publicly displayed messages are limited to the English language. This includes posts, titles, signatures, and any attachments or other forms of public display.
You may not post commission, referral or affiliate links anywhere on this website. For clarification, if it looks like it could be one of these links, I will treat it as such.
You may not post on behalf of any banned or non member in any public manner. This includes all forums, private messages, signatures, and e-mail features.
You may not post words or URLs that are censored by adding spaces, dots, or substituting characters; or by any other means in an attempt to defeat any censors put in place by me.
You may not link, in any manner, to sites or images containing pornography, sexually explicit, gross violence, or are determined by myself to be detrimental to the community.
Any posts that encourage illegal intent will be removed and the account disabled..
You may not publish or discuss any information regarding your product or services, or future (possible) products or services, or any product or services you are, or have been, associated with. This includes, but not limited to suggesting your own services, or services of partners, clients, employers or friends.
You may not post any message that is commercial by nature.
You may not solicit users for any project or purpose external to the forum; public, private, or commercial. Most importantly the member base is not a resource to be “mined” by individuals, groups, or businesses, for profit or not for profit.
Any posts not meeting these guidelines may be removed with or without notice.
All material submitted or published in the public or membership areas become the property of JoAnn Russell and the Sisterhood Of Support to delete, edit, copy, publish or use in any media including, but not limited to, digital, print, web or video.
Furthermore, the author of any topic or comment also retains the copyright to their own works and may also use them in any manner they choose.
Members, users and the general public may not copy, use or distribute any material on this website, other than their own, in any manner.
Privacy Policy:
I will not release any member information unless under court order to do so.
I will never share, sell, exchange or give away e-mail addresses or any other member information.
I do not monitor private messages. But I will investigate all allegations of PM abuse.
I reserve the right to modify and amend these terms at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to remain informed of current policies.
I further, reserve my right to disable any account at any time for any reason and without notice.
A membership subscription is a digital product and therefore no refunds are offered.
Utilizing any of the features or services of The Sisterhood Of Support will act as an acknowledgement of your acceptance of these Guidelines.