I get that question all the time…Is sex addiction really domestic abuse? Here’s what a partner has to say about the abuse that we call Sex Addiction. Fifty years ago, if you were a battered, abused woman, you probably wouldn’t tell anyone and you wouldn’t find a therapist to even listen to you. And even if you did, what advice would they have given you? How to cope, how to stay in an abusive relationship, […]
What Partners Say-Sisterhood of Support In this new weekly series, ‘What Partners Say’ I have gleaned the best of the best testimonials from the private forums of what partners say about sex addiction and the support they get from the Sisterhood. These are all anonymous and any personal information has been removed. Some of the comments may have been combined or edited, but all are real words from real women who are partners of sex addicts. This […]
In this new weekly series, ‘What Partners Say’ I have gleaned the best of the best wisdom from the private forums of what partners say about sex addiction.
One of the first reactions of women who discover that their husband or partner is a sex addict is to get him into sex addiction therapy. But, does that therapy really work?